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How to find and remove any computer virus in Windows using CMD Command

Viruses, malware, trojans, worms! These evil things can penetrate your computer through numerous ways like internet browsing, from USB devices, phishing link in your email and also by installing infected software. Most of these viruses make your computer slow and eat up valuable memory as well as storage space. Some more powerful viruses are meant to contaminate our operating system too and steal personal information and banking data. The conventional method to identify and remove such unwanted program from your computer is to install an anti-virus software and scan your computer for any viruses/trojans/worms that exist and quarantine them. However, there are some computer users out there who use unconventional methods to find such virus. Today we are discussing such unconventional method by using Command Prompt or DOS Prompts to identify and remove such virus. The method is simple and straight which even a layman computer user can proceed with, just follow the steps given below :

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